Thursday, September 9, 2010


I was invited to play soccer after work. I’m bad at soccer but I always have a good time playing. It was convenient since the field is directly in front of the house I stay in, in Passabe. The field isn’t in very good condition. It is full of gravel and small rocks. But it suits the community as it is quite a large open space. I keep telling those who play soccer that they should spend ten minutes before they play each day to pick up rocks. After a week there would hardly be any rocks left, I’m sure. But I guess they don’t mind the rocks as much as I do.

Another problem presented itself. I didn’t have any shoes. I had a pair of hiking/work boots and flip-flops, not quite the ideal attire for soccer. So, I went native and played barefoot (probably half of the players play barefoot. This would have been fine if I didn’t have wussy, privileged American feet. My feet were so bruised from stepping on rocks after the game that I could hardly walk the next day. It was worth it.

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