Thursday, September 9, 2010


There are those moments when you see a color in the natural world around us and you say to yourself, “Oh, when they assigned the name blue to the color, that is what the person was looking at,” for example, the deep blue of a clear sky on a day with low humidity.  I remember many times as a child lying in the grass in my backyard looking into the blue expanse of a cloudless, deep blue fall sky, trying hard to see through the blue.  My eyes were always getting lost in the infinite blue with no object to focus my eyes upon.

This week, I saw the sight that green was named for.  As I was passing a recently planted rice paddy on my way back from Passabe, I looked over and was overwhelmed by the deep brilliance of the green.  All I could think was, “Now, that is green.”  It was not a light green, an aqua green, but green GREEN!  And it was beautiful!

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