Saturday, August 21, 2010


Last weekend, I left the bush for a couple days for a little splurging in the capital. By splurging, I mean eating. After weeks of rice and spinach, I needed to expand my culinary boundaries, for at least a couple days.

I ate at a typical Western restaurant for brunch. I had fish at a Portuguese place. I enjoyed spicy Sri Lankan and amazing Indian. I even ate a steak burger. I think everyone thought I hadn’t eaten for months.

I also took the opportunity to pick up a bunch of reading material and movies in the Dili house.

Dili is not a pretty city. Really there is nothing nice about it except for its proximity to the ocean and the amenities that it has. The city is overpopulated with expats. I have never been in a foreign city that has such a high percentage of them. I think this is more due to Dili’s small population (150,000) for a capital rather than the net number of westerners.

There were many Americans around Dili, due to that the Pacific Fleet’s hospital ship docked off shore to give free medical care to Timorese in need and US military doctors practice without the high liability of American hospitals.

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