Saturday, August 21, 2010


In Timor-Leste I’m working for a French NGO. As could be guessed, most of the employees who are expats are French. There are four expat employees in Oecusse, the district that I live in. Three are French, and I’m the lone American. For better or worse, the French influence affects my daily life. For example, I was in Dili, the capital, last weekend. The remoteness of Oecusse means that a trip to Dili is a restocking trip. What are those things that we needed to buy in Dili? They were good European wine (no Australian or New Zealand, I’m not sure if this is because they don’t produce good wines or they are just unfamiliar), high quality cheese, and chocolate. Somehow, I’m not surprised by the selection, but I do admit, I do enjoy their good wine, cheese, and chocolate.

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